
Gouache painting, splash, splatter, Antique Painting, Vintage Print, Country Landscape, Fit to page, white background, prominent brush marks, matte painting, Clear Image, UHD, 4K resolution, sharp focus, approach to perfection, pure form, concept art,

제외할 사항

blur, sun, fog, frame, Defective animal form, human, birds, very tall trees, deformed legs, deformed head, bad roof structure, pure black, colorful, blurred, abstract, misshapen, deformed, cartoon, animated, toy, figure, framed, 3d, hands, nude, cartoon, 3d, misshapen, bad art, deformed, badly drawn, extra limbs, close-up, strange colors, blurred, watermark



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Gouache painting, splash, splatter, Antique Painting, Vintage Print, Country Landscape, Fit to page, white background, prominent brush marks, matte painting, Clear Image, UHD, 4K resolution, sharp focus, approach to perfection, pure form, concept art,

제외할 사항

blur, sun, fog, frame, Defective animal form, human, birds, very tall trees, deformed legs, deformed head, bad roof structure, pure black, colorful, blurred, abstract, misshapen, deformed, cartoon, animated, toy, figure, framed, 3d, hands, nude, cartoon, 3d, misshapen, bad art, deformed, badly drawn, extra limbs, close-up, strange colors, blurred, watermark


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