OOOPS! עס קוקט ווי די בילד איר זוכט פֿאַר איז אויסגעגאנגען אָדער איז אַוועקגענומען.

פּרוּווט דזשענערייטינג אַ נייַע בילד מיט די זעלבע טערמינען.

שאַפֿן אַ בילד מיט אַי


A pretty Caucasian female doctor in her 40s hands a fountain pen to a man in his 50s in a hospital gown and points to a form lying on a desk. Next to the man, a pretty dominant woman with a stern face looks at his face and puts her hand on his shoulder encouragingly. The man looks at the paper on the table in despair and sadness. On the wall of the medical room, and in the center of the picture, an anatomical demonstration picture is hung. Showing the anatomy of a male lower body in profile with the testicles on the left side, castrated on the right.



מאַכן בילד רעדאַגירן בילד

באַקומען אַוטפּוץ פון בעסער קוואַליטעט מיט מער פֿעיִקייטן

ווערן פּראָ

שייַכות בילדער


A pretty Caucasian female doctor in her 40s hands a fountain pen to a man in his 50s in a hospital gown and points to a form lying on a desk. Next to the man, a pretty dominant woman with a stern face looks at his face and puts her hand on his shoulder encouragingly. The man looks at the paper on the table in despair and sadness. On the wall of the medical room, and in the center of the picture, an anatomical demonstration picture is hung. Showing the anatomy of a male lower body in profile with the testicles on the left side, castrated on the right.


מאַכן בילד רעדאַגירן בילד

באַקומען אַוטפּוץ פון בעסער קוואַליטעט מיט מער פֿעיִקייטן

ווערן פּראָ