
The god of design among the ancient Egyptians. In his hand he holds a design tool similar to Photoshop. A background composed of landmarks of the Pharaonic civilization, such as pyramids and decorated stone doors. The god appears clearly realistic, and his details carry a lot of vitality. He has sharp eyes that observe the modern world and ancient heritage. He holds a pen and a digital tablet, symbolizing creativity and design.



מאַכן בילד רעדאַגירן בילד

באַקומען אַוטפּוץ פון בעסער קוואַליטעט מיט מער פֿעיִקייטן

ווערן פּראָ

שייַכות בילדער



The god of design among the ancient Egyptians. In his hand he holds a design tool similar to Photoshop. A background composed of landmarks of the Pharaonic civilization, such as pyramids and decorated stone doors. The god appears clearly realistic, and his details carry a lot of vitality. He has sharp eyes that observe the modern world and ancient heritage. He holds a pen and a digital tablet, symbolizing creativity and design.


מאַכן בילד רעדאַגירן בילד

באַקומען אַוטפּוץ פון בעסער קוואַליטעט מיט מער פֿעיִקייטן

ווערן פּראָ