OOOPS! Toa lany daty na nesorina ilay sary tadiavinao.

Andramo mamorona sary vaovao amin'ny fampiasana ireo teny ireo.

Mamorona sary miaraka amin'ny AI


A rustic scene depicting the body of a woman roasting on a spit over a vibrant campfire. The woman's body, golden and crispy, hangs from metal rods, with wisps of smoke rising in the air. The background is a muted blue, highlighting the intense colors of the woman and the warm flames. The atmosphere evokes a traditional outdoor cooking and celebration.



Manaova Sary Ahitsio Sary

Mahazoa vokatra tsara kokoa miaraka amin'ny endri-javatra maro kokoa

Lasa PRO

Sary mifandraika


A rustic scene depicting the body of a woman roasting on a spit over a vibrant campfire. The woman's body, golden and crispy, hangs from metal rods, with wisps of smoke rising in the air. The background is a muted blue, highlighting the intense colors of the woman and the warm flames. The atmosphere evokes a traditional outdoor cooking and celebration.


Manaova Sary Ahitsio Sary

Mahazoa vokatra tsara kokoa miaraka amin'ny endri-javatra maro kokoa

Lasa PRO