
on the right there will be winter and on the left there will be autumn, there will be a transition in the middle from winter to autumn, in which winter will go to the left and winter to the right, from the winter side there will be snowfall in which there will be the whole picture



Dèan Dealbh Deasaich Dealbh

Faigh toraidhean càileachd nas fheàrr le barrachd fheartan

Bi nad PRO

Dealbhan co-cheangailte


on the right there will be winter and on the left there will be autumn, there will be a transition in the middle from winter to autumn, in which winter will go to the left and winter to the right, from the winter side there will be snowfall in which there will be the whole picture


Dèan Dealbh Deasaich Dealbh

Faigh toraidhean càileachd nas fheàrr le barrachd fheartan

Bi nad PRO