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Three cheerful snowmen in scarves decorated with white and blue patterns in the Gzhel style. One snowman has a bucket on his head, decorated with white and blue patterns in the Gzhel style. Another snowman has a saucepan on his head, decorated with white and blue patterns in the Gzhel style. The third snowman has a jester's cap on his head, decorated with white and blue patterns in the Gzhel style.



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Three cheerful snowmen in scarves decorated with white and blue patterns in the Gzhel style. One snowman has a bucket on his head, decorated with white and blue patterns in the Gzhel style. Another snowman has a saucepan on his head, decorated with white and blue patterns in the Gzhel style. The third snowman has a jester's cap on his head, decorated with white and blue patterns in the Gzhel style.


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