
The Medic with The Sniper, both are characters from the game "Team Fortress 2", by Valve, are smiling at eachother, they are in the elevator and tge perspective is fish-eye. The style has to look like exactly from the game Team Fortress 2. 3D-ish.



تصوير ٺاھيو تصوير تبديل ڪريو

وڌيڪ خاصيتن سان بهتر معيار جي پيداوار حاصل ڪريو

PRO ٿيو

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The Medic with The Sniper, both are characters from the game "Team Fortress 2", by Valve, are smiling at eachother, they are in the elevator and tge perspective is fish-eye. The style has to look like exactly from the game Team Fortress 2. 3D-ish.


تصوير ٺاھيو تصوير تبديل ڪريو

وڌيڪ خاصيتن سان بهتر معيار جي پيداوار حاصل ڪريو

PRO ٿيو