
Approximately 40 years old. Light skin with a slight grayness. Black, long hair and short stubble. Gray-green, almost black eyes. Serious expression. Dressed in a gray turtleneck without sleeves. Black jacket, also without sleeves. Black trousers and men's shoes. On his hands are long gloves to the elbows without fingers. On his head is a black visor.

خارج کرنے کی چیزیں

Short and blonde hair.



تصویر بنائیں تصویر میں ترمیم کریں۔

مزید خصوصیات کے ساتھ بہتر معیار کے آؤٹ پٹس حاصل کریں۔

پی آر او بنیں۔

متعلقہ تصاویر


Approximately 40 years old. Light skin with a slight grayness. Black, long hair and short stubble. Gray-green, almost black eyes. Serious expression. Dressed in a gray turtleneck without sleeves. Black jacket, also without sleeves. Black trousers and men's shoes. On his hands are long gloves to the elbows without fingers. On his head is a black visor.

خارج کرنے کی چیزیں

Short and blonde hair.


تصویر بنائیں تصویر میں ترمیم کریں۔

مزید خصوصیات کے ساتھ بہتر معیار کے آؤٹ پٹس حاصل کریں۔

پی آر او بنیں۔