HAWU! Kubonakala sengathi isithombe osifunayo siphelelwe yisikhathi noma sisusiwe.

Zama ukwenza isithombe esisha usebenzisa amagama afanayo.

Dala isithombe nge-AI


New laptop. One short USB-C power cord is attached into the port on the left side of the computer. There is one small memory stick attached into the USB port on the outer edge of the right side of the computer. The computer cover is closed. On the outside of the cover is a large white square without text. There is nothing else in the picture. No logo is visible.



Yenza Isithombe Hlela Isithombe

Thola okuphumayo kwekhwalithi engcono ngezici ezengeziwe


Izithombe ezihlobene


New laptop. One short USB-C power cord is attached into the port on the left side of the computer. There is one small memory stick attached into the USB port on the outer edge of the right side of the computer. The computer cover is closed. On the outside of the cover is a large white square without text. There is nothing else in the picture. No logo is visible.


Yenza Isithombe Hlela Isithombe

Thola okuphumayo kwekhwalithi engcono ngezici ezengeziwe