
A photo of a military scene in Yirmi, where masked Turkish soldiers stand in front of a large, graffiti-covered wall. The wall bears the words "946" in bold, spray-painted letters, symbolizing a significant date or historical reference. The soldiers are dressed in black, with their faces covered, creating an air of mystery and anonymity. The background shows the desolate and war-torn landscape of Afrin, with buildings in disarray and a somber mood.



රූපය සාදන්න රූපය සංස්කරණය කරන්න

වැඩි විශේෂාංග සමඟ වඩා හොඳ තත්ත්වයේ නිමැවුම් ලබා ගන්න

PRO වන්න

අදාළ පින්තූර



A photo of a military scene in Yirmi, where masked Turkish soldiers stand in front of a large, graffiti-covered wall. The wall bears the words "946" in bold, spray-painted letters, symbolizing a significant date or historical reference. The soldiers are dressed in black, with their faces covered, creating an air of mystery and anonymity. The background shows the desolate and war-torn landscape of Afrin, with buildings in disarray and a somber mood.


රූපය සාදන්න රූපය සංස්කරණය කරන්න

වැඩි විශේෂාංග සමඟ වඩා හොඳ තත්ත්වයේ නිමැවුම් ලබා ගන්න

PRO වන්න