
Realistic image of a symmetrical Man's face with dark and evil open eyes, full cheeks, closed mouth, hairline on forehead should be rounded, staring towards us.

Waxyaabaha laga reebayo

pointed hair, blue or green eyes, uneven hair line, round or pointed hairline on forehead



Samee Sawir Wax Ka Beddel Sawirka

Hel wax soo saar tayo wanaagsan leh oo leh astaamo badan

Noqo PRO

Sawirada la xidhiidha



Realistic image of a symmetrical Man's face with dark and evil open eyes, full cheeks, closed mouth, hairline on forehead should be rounded, staring towards us.

Waxyaabaha laga reebayo

pointed hair, blue or green eyes, uneven hair line, round or pointed hairline on forehead


Samee Sawir Wax Ka Beddel Sawirka