
Realistic image of a symmetrical Man's face with dark and evil open eyes, full cheeks, closed mouth, hairline on forehead should be rounded, staring towards us.

O mea e tuuese

pointed hair, blue or green eyes, uneven hair line, round or pointed hairline on forehead



Fai Ata Fa'atonu Ata

Maua mea e sili atu ona lelei ma sili atu ona foliga

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Ata fa'atatau

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Realistic image of a symmetrical Man's face with dark and evil open eyes, full cheeks, closed mouth, hairline on forehead should be rounded, staring towards us.

O mea e tuuese

pointed hair, blue or green eyes, uneven hair line, round or pointed hairline on forehead


Fai Ata Fa'atonu Ata