
Create a picture of a woman standing in her bedroom with her husband trying to help him button his shirt while he looks at his watch nervously as an expression of his lateness. Make the lighting clear and not dark. Make the perspective wide and make the man's expression anxious and uncomfortable.

Чизҳое, ки бояд истисно карда шаванд

الاضائة الخافته ،تعابير الوجه المريحه ،الحيوانات الاليفه



Тасвир Созед Тасвирро Таҳрир Кунед

Бо хусусиятҳои бештар баромадҳои сифати беҳтар ба даст оред

PRO шудан

Тасвирҳои алоқаманд

Зеркашӣ кунед


Create a picture of a woman standing in her bedroom with her husband trying to help him button his shirt while he looks at his watch nervously as an expression of his lateness. Make the lighting clear and not dark. Make the perspective wide and make the man's expression anxious and uncomfortable.

Чизҳое, ки бояд истисно карда шаванд

الاضائة الخافته ،تعابير الوجه المريحه ،الحيوانات الاليفه


Тасвир Созед Тасвирро Таҳрир Кунед

Бо хусусиятҳои бештар баромадҳои сифати беҳтар ба даст оред

PRO шудан