
A comically exaggerated muscular minion with oversized muscles, wearing a tight white T-shirt with the inscription 'Dimosik_LaPoTa pidoras' clearly written on it. The minion stands confidently in a vast field of golden millet under a sunny blue sky. The scene is lighthearted and humorous, with a focus on the minion's playful and over-the-top pumped-up appearance.



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Bihurtu PRO

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A comically exaggerated muscular minion with oversized muscles, wearing a tight white T-shirt with the inscription 'Dimosik_LaPoTa pidoras' clearly written on it. The minion stands confidently in a vast field of golden millet under a sunny blue sky. The scene is lighthearted and humorous, with a focus on the minion's playful and over-the-top pumped-up appearance.


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Lortu kalitate hobeko irteerak eginbide gehiagorekin

Bihurtu PRO