
The knights rise from their primitive beds in the dormitory. They are dressed in chain mail and a white cloak with a black cross. The ceiling of the hall is vaulted with red bricks. On one wall hangs a large wooden crucifix. A row of lights on the walls illuminates the hall. A stone fireplace with a fire is located at the end of the room. There are no windows. A humble atmosphere pervades the dormitory. The knights do not wear hoods on their heads. Their beds resemble camp beds. They do not have white duvets but gray blankets. There are no windows in the hall.



Agħmel Immaġini Editja L-Immaġni

Ikseb outputs ta 'kwalità aħjar b'aktar karatteristiċi

Issir PRO

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The knights rise from their primitive beds in the dormitory. They are dressed in chain mail and a white cloak with a black cross. The ceiling of the hall is vaulted with red bricks. On one wall hangs a large wooden crucifix. A row of lights on the walls illuminates the hall. A stone fireplace with a fire is located at the end of the room. There are no windows. A humble atmosphere pervades the dormitory. The knights do not wear hoods on their heads. Their beds resemble camp beds. They do not have white duvets but gray blankets. There are no windows in the hall.


Agħmel Immaġini Editja L-Immaġni

Ikseb outputs ta 'kwalità aħjar b'aktar karatteristiċi

Issir PRO