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An image of an abandoned house, showing signs of age and decay. The room is filled with dust and fallen furniture. In the center of the room, there are four people lying on the ground, appearing completely calm. The lighting is dim, adding an atmosphere of mystery and horror to the scene. The walls are cracked, and the furniture is old and dilapidated. This image aims to depict a scene of horror and mystery inside an abandoned house.There is a group of 4 people



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An image of an abandoned house, showing signs of age and decay. The room is filled with dust and fallen furniture. In the center of the room, there are four people lying on the ground, appearing completely calm. The lighting is dim, adding an atmosphere of mystery and horror to the scene. The walls are cracked, and the furniture is old and dilapidated. This image aims to depict a scene of horror and mystery inside an abandoned house.There is a group of 4 people


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