
She has heterochromia of the eyes. The white pupils matched perfectly with her blue eyes, in which there was a spot of green around the pupils. He's a medium-length snow-white hair. Her skin was as light as porcelain



Тасвир Созед Тасвирро Таҳрир Кунед

Бо хусусиятҳои бештар баромадҳои сифати беҳтар ба даст оред

PRO шудан

Тасвирҳои алоқаманд

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She has heterochromia of the eyes. The white pupils matched perfectly with her blue eyes, in which there was a spot of green around the pupils. He's a medium-length snow-white hair. Her skin was as light as porcelain


Тасвир Созед Тасвирро Таҳрир Кунед

Бо хусусиятҳои бештар баромадҳои сифати беҳтар ба даст оред

PRO шудан