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A captivating image of a traditional Hindu shraddh ceremony by the banks of the Ganges River in Varanasi. A group of people perform rituals involving offerings of flowers, fruits, and lit lamps on a makeshift platform. The background reveals an iconic view of the Varanasi ghats with their stone steps leading down to the river. The atmosphere is serene, with the sun setting behind the ghats, casting a warm golden light over the scene.



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A captivating image of a traditional Hindu shraddh ceremony by the banks of the Ganges River in Varanasi. A group of people perform rituals involving offerings of flowers, fruits, and lit lamps on a makeshift platform. The background reveals an iconic view of the Varanasi ghats with their stone steps leading down to the river. The atmosphere is serene, with the sun setting behind the ghats, casting a warm golden light over the scene.


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