
Style: character sheet sketch Description: A fluffy, semi-transparent child with a body of swirling clouds. Her mist-like hair shifts in the breeze, and her raindrop eyes sparkle. She wears a puffy dress with sun and raindrop patterns, her feet fading into fog. She holds a glowing golden umbrella, with a cheerful cloud-puppy floating beside her. Graphics: Shown on a white background from front, side, and back, highlighting her cloud texture and whimsical outfit.



Зрабіць Вобраз Рэдагаваць Малюнак

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Style: character sheet sketch Description: A fluffy, semi-transparent child with a body of swirling clouds. Her mist-like hair shifts in the breeze, and her raindrop eyes sparkle. She wears a puffy dress with sun and raindrop patterns, her feet fading into fog. She holds a glowing golden umbrella, with a cheerful cloud-puppy floating beside her. Graphics: Shown on a white background from front, side, and back, highlighting her cloud texture and whimsical outfit.


Зрабіць Вобраз Рэдагаваць Малюнак