ӨӨ! Таны хайж буй зургийн хугацаа дууссан эсвэл устгасан бололтой.

Ижил нэр томъёог ашиглан шинэ зураг үүсгэж үзээрэй.

AI ашиглан зураг үүсгэх


Please create for me a picture of the ideal city in the future and must have the following details for my presentation. As both industry and agriculture must be automated thanks to the appearance of technology and robots, buildings will appear but not many and must have green roofs. There is only public transport and air transport, traffic is not congested. There is solar energy and wind energy instead of other energies such as gasoline. There are many exercise areas to encourage people to get active. The streets will be cleaned by robots. Every building has smart signals.



Зураг Хийх Зургийг Засах

Илүү олон функцээр илүү сайн чанарын гаралтыг аваарай

PRO болох

Холбогдох зургууд


Please create for me a picture of the ideal city in the future and must have the following details for my presentation. As both industry and agriculture must be automated thanks to the appearance of technology and robots, buildings will appear but not many and must have green roofs. There is only public transport and air transport, traffic is not congested. There is solar energy and wind energy instead of other energies such as gasoline. There are many exercise areas to encourage people to get active. The streets will be cleaned by robots. Every building has smart signals.


Зураг Хийх Зургийг Засах

Илүү олон функцээр илүү сайн чанарын гаралтыг аваарай

PRO болох