
Name: Luna Description: Luna is a cosmic explorer who loves to travel across the galaxy and discover new planets, stars, and moons. She is adventurous, curious, and fearless. She has a special ability to manipulate gravity and create wormholes. She is always looking for new challenges and experiences. Traits: Female, blue skin, purple hair, green eyes, star-shaped earrings, moon necklace, space suit, jet pack Rarity: Legendary



Gerðu Mynd Breyta Mynd

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Name: Luna Description: Luna is a cosmic explorer who loves to travel across the galaxy and discover new planets, stars, and moons. She is adventurous, curious, and fearless. She has a special ability to manipulate gravity and create wormholes. She is always looking for new challenges and experiences. Traits: Female, blue skin, purple hair, green eyes, star-shaped earrings, moon necklace, space suit, jet pack Rarity: Legendary


Gerðu Mynd Breyta Mynd