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Write down which most harmonious space helmet will suit this character so that DeepDream can perfectly portray him A space helmet is ideal for this character, which is combined with his orange suit and adds an element of fantasy that emphasizes his anthropomorphic appearance. Here is the description of the helmet: Color scheme: The main color of the helmet is light orange, like a suit, with white accents and metal elements. Shape: The helmet should have a sleek and streamlined design, reminiscent of an astronaut's helmet, but with more elegant and soft lines. Visor: A large, transparent visor that allows you to see the character's face and green eyes, with a slight greenish tinge that gives him a slightly magical appearance. Decorations: The helmet may have small decorative elements such as thin silver stripes or symbols resembling stars or constellations. Antennas: Two small antennas on top of the helmet, one of which can be decorated with a small crystal hanging at the end.



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Write down which most harmonious space helmet will suit this character so that DeepDream can perfectly portray him A space helmet is ideal for this character, which is combined with his orange suit and adds an element of fantasy that emphasizes his anthropomorphic appearance. Here is the description of the helmet: Color scheme: The main color of the helmet is light orange, like a suit, with white accents and metal elements. Shape: The helmet should have a sleek and streamlined design, reminiscent of an astronaut's helmet, but with more elegant and soft lines. Visor: A large, transparent visor that allows you to see the character's face and green eyes, with a slight greenish tinge that gives him a slightly magical appearance. Decorations: The helmet may have small decorative elements such as thin silver stripes or symbols resembling stars or constellations. Antennas: Two small antennas on top of the helmet, one of which can be decorated with a small crystal hanging at the end.


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