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A photorealistic image of a young, stylish Russian woman dressed in a strict yet festive office outfit, standing confidently and gesturing with her hand to indicate direction or draw attention. Her expression is cheerful and encouraging, with professional makeup and hairstyle featuring a touch of festivity. The background is solid white, creating a minimalistic and clean look. The lighting is bright and even, emphasizing her refined and elegant appearance. Full-body view, with HD quality and photorealistic details.



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A photorealistic image of a young, stylish Russian woman dressed in a strict yet festive office outfit, standing confidently and gesturing with her hand to indicate direction or draw attention. Her expression is cheerful and encouraging, with professional makeup and hairstyle featuring a touch of festivity. The background is solid white, creating a minimalistic and clean look. The lighting is bright and even, emphasizing her refined and elegant appearance. Full-body view, with HD quality and photorealistic details.


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Torne-se PRO