
create an image explaining the below method of addition 1. Add: 12 + 7 Dot and Stick Method without Grouping: ``` 12 + 7 ------ 19 ``` 2. Add: 34 + 18 Dot and Stick Method with Grouping: ``` 34 + 18 ------ 52 ``` 3. Add: 56 + 9 Dot and Stick Method without Grouping: ``` 56 + 9 ------ 65 ``` 4. Add: 27 + 35 Dot and Stick Method with Grouping: ``` 27 + 35 ------ 62 ``` 5. Add: 48 + 6 Dot and Stick Method without Grouping: ``` 48 + 6 ------ 54 ```



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create an image explaining the below method of addition 1. Add: 12 + 7 Dot and Stick Method without Grouping: ``` 12 + 7 ------ 19 ``` 2. Add: 34 + 18 Dot and Stick Method with Grouping: ``` 34 + 18 ------ 52 ``` 3. Add: 56 + 9 Dot and Stick Method without Grouping: ``` 56 + 9 ------ 65 ``` 4. Add: 27 + 35 Dot and Stick Method with Grouping: ``` 27 + 35 ------ 62 ``` 5. Add: 48 + 6 Dot and Stick Method without Grouping: ``` 48 + 6 ------ 54 ```


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