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Eyni şərtlərdən istifadə edərək yeni şəkil yaratmağa çalışın.

AI ilə bir şəkil yaradın


"Create a comic-style illustration of a philosopher resembling Friedrich Nietzsche in a bookstore, discovering a book with 'Arthur Schopenhauer' prominently written in the center of the cover. Nietzsche is visibly captivated by the book, which stands out against the background of old, dusty shelves. His 19th-century attire and the book’s central text should be emphasized to capture his intense interest and admiration.



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"Create a comic-style illustration of a philosopher resembling Friedrich Nietzsche in a bookstore, discovering a book with 'Arthur Schopenhauer' prominently written in the center of the cover. Nietzsche is visibly captivated by the book, which stands out against the background of old, dusty shelves. His 19th-century attire and the book’s central text should be emphasized to capture his intense interest and admiration.


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