OOOPS! Ko te ahua o te ahua e rapu ana koe kua pau, kua tangohia ranei.

Whakamātauria te whakaputa whakaahua hōu mā ngā kupu ōrite.

Waihangahia he whakaahua me AI


"Craft a poignant image: an elderly Black man gazes at his reflection in a mirror, revealing a melancholic child within. Opt for realism, a gentle watercolor/sketch touch, or a vintage photo vibe. The portrait-style composition ensures text can be added above and below, perfect for a book cover. Stirring contemplation and emotion, the image resonates with the theme."



Hanga Whakaahua Whakatika Whakaahua

Tikina nga putanga kounga pai ake me etahi atu waahanga

Hoko PRO

Ko nga whakaahua e pa ana


"Craft a poignant image: an elderly Black man gazes at his reflection in a mirror, revealing a melancholic child within. Opt for realism, a gentle watercolor/sketch touch, or a vintage photo vibe. The portrait-style composition ensures text can be added above and below, perfect for a book cover. Stirring contemplation and emotion, the image resonates with the theme."


Hanga Whakaahua Whakatika Whakaahua