Cur síos


Rudaí a eisiamh

Make a minion very elegant and girly with black hair. The minion must located on the Beautiful beach with big flowers but with my name - Ulyana. Ulyana hands a bouquet of roses. She wears a black shining dress with glitter.



Déan Íomhá Cuir Íomhá In Eagar

Faigh aschuir chaighdeán níos fearr le gnéithe níos mó

Bí i do OCP

Íomhánna gaolmhara


Cur síos


Rudaí a eisiamh

Make a minion very elegant and girly with black hair. The minion must located on the Beautiful beach with big flowers but with my name - Ulyana. Ulyana hands a bouquet of roses. She wears a black shining dress with glitter.


Déan Íomhá Cuir Íomhá In Eagar