EE! Ọ dị ka onyonyo ị na-achọ agwụla ma ọ bụ wepụrụ ya.

Gbalịa mepụta onyonyo ọhụrụ site na iji otu okwu.

Jiri AI mepụta onyonyo


Design a poster where the main subject is a circuit diagram composed of digital elements, with the circuitry artfully crafted to represent the Shanghai Tower, Shanghai World Financial Center, Jin Mao Tower, and the Oriental Pearl Tower. The overall design of the poster should highlight the concept of AI empowering architectural design. The poster should feature a dark color scheme throughout, giving it a sense of technology and futurism.



Mee Onyonyo Dezie Onyonyo

Nweta nsonaazụ kacha mma yana atụmatụ ndị ọzọ

Bụrụ PRO


Design a poster where the main subject is a circuit diagram composed of digital elements, with the circuitry artfully crafted to represent the Shanghai Tower, Shanghai World Financial Center, Jin Mao Tower, and the Oriental Pearl Tower. The overall design of the poster should highlight the concept of AI empowering architectural design. The poster should feature a dark color scheme throughout, giving it a sense of technology and futurism.


Mee Onyonyo Dezie Onyonyo