
A tall and slender man with black hair, black cat ears and a very ordinary, slightly fluffy black cat tail. His eyes are yellow and his face looks soft. He says that he usually always wears a shirt with a relaxed tie and high-rise trousers.Shoulder-length hair.

أشياء يجب استبعادها

Human ears



اصنع صورة تعديل الصورة

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الصور ذات الصلة



A tall and slender man with black hair, black cat ears and a very ordinary, slightly fluffy black cat tail. His eyes are yellow and his face looks soft. He says that he usually always wears a shirt with a relaxed tie and high-rise trousers.Shoulder-length hair.

أشياء يجب استبعادها

Human ears


اصنع صورة تعديل الصورة