HAWU! Kubonakala sengathi isithombe osifunayo siphelelwe yisikhathi noma sisusiwe.

Zama ukwenza isithombe esisha usebenzisa amagama afanayo.

Dala isithombe nge-AI


Accordingly, it is crucial to reach a political consensus regarding measures to reduce Slovenia's vulnerability to climate change and to establish a framework that promotes sustainable development while simultaneously managing flood risks. Only with the combined efforts of politics, the active involvement of citizens and innovative solutions can Slovenia form a resilient society that is oriented towards a sustainable future, despite the challenges of floods and other climate changes.



Yenza Isithombe Hlela Isithombe

Thola okuphumayo kwekhwalithi engcono ngezici ezengeziwe



Accordingly, it is crucial to reach a political consensus regarding measures to reduce Slovenia's vulnerability to climate change and to establish a framework that promotes sustainable development while simultaneously managing flood risks. Only with the combined efforts of politics, the active involvement of citizens and innovative solutions can Slovenia form a resilient society that is oriented towards a sustainable future, despite the challenges of floods and other climate changes.


Yenza Isithombe Hlela Isithombe

Thola okuphumayo kwekhwalithi engcono ngezici ezengeziwe