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Create a promo image of a cross-section of a head. The brain should be depicted in different colours. Inside the brain are icons of a microphone, a ballet shoe, a dancing puppet and a paintbrush. It should be in an animation style. The title of the image should be in the picture and is: Science on stage - Mentaal meesterwerk

Stvari koje treba isključiti

mensen, foto uitstraling



Napravi Sliku Uredi Sliku

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Create a promo image of a cross-section of a head. The brain should be depicted in different colours. Inside the brain are icons of a microphone, a ballet shoe, a dancing puppet and a paintbrush. It should be in an animation style. The title of the image should be in the picture and is: Science on stage - Mentaal meesterwerk

Stvari koje treba isključiti

mensen, foto uitstraling


Napravi Sliku Uredi Sliku