ӨӨ! Таны хайж буй зургийн хугацаа дууссан эсвэл устгасан бололтой.

Ижил нэр томъёог ашиглан шинэ зураг үүсгэж үзээрэй.

AI ашиглан зураг үүсгэх


In the scene, L'Oréal's makeup products are displayed on a modern stand. Nearby, recycling bins encourage customers to dispose of their used makeup items. Customers toss their used products into the bins after shopping, showing both eco-consciousness and brand loyalty. On the side, smart recycling machines let customers open specific boxes by scanning their phone's barcode. This tech feature enhances convenience and sustainability efforts.



Зураг Хийх Зургийг Засах

Илүү олон функцээр илүү сайн чанарын гаралтыг аваарай

PRO болох

Холбогдох зургууд


In the scene, L'Oréal's makeup products are displayed on a modern stand. Nearby, recycling bins encourage customers to dispose of their used makeup items. Customers toss their used products into the bins after shopping, showing both eco-consciousness and brand loyalty. On the side, smart recycling machines let customers open specific boxes by scanning their phone's barcode. This tech feature enhances convenience and sustainability efforts.


Зураг Хийх Зургийг Засах

Илүү олон функцээр илүү сайн чанарын гаралтыг аваарай

PRO болох