
Night landscape of sea during a storm with thunderstorm and lightning, with golden sandy beach vibrant sea with very large waves hitting large rocks during a major storm, with lots of sea spray, captured in twilight light, with soft diffused night lighting, creating a natural and serene atmosphere. The night sky is very dark, dark cyan and dark turquoise in color with some milky clouds on the horizon and stars, photo, detail, 8k, octane rendering.



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Night landscape of sea during a storm with thunderstorm and lightning, with golden sandy beach vibrant sea with very large waves hitting large rocks during a major storm, with lots of sea spray, captured in twilight light, with soft diffused night lighting, creating a natural and serene atmosphere. The night sky is very dark, dark cyan and dark turquoise in color with some milky clouds on the horizon and stars, photo, detail, 8k, octane rendering.


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Devenir PRO