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He didn’t care much for mashed plouts, or the sour-tasting wiggle sprouts. He couldn’t bear the texture of timbles at all and was too lazy to pick blimbles, which were ever so small. Bob’s favourite food without a doubt, was crimble cram pie with a dollop of flouwt. But as you probably know flouwt is hard to come by and crimble cram’s dull without flouwt on the side.



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He didn’t care much for mashed plouts, or the sour-tasting wiggle sprouts. He couldn’t bear the texture of timbles at all and was too lazy to pick blimbles, which were ever so small. Bob’s favourite food without a doubt, was crimble cram pie with a dollop of flouwt. But as you probably know flouwt is hard to come by and crimble cram’s dull without flouwt on the side.


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