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He has yellow hair. He has white eyes. He is wearing a white priest's suit. He has a golden cross with red drops of real blood on his neck. His hair is tied in a small ponytail. Hints of his slightly pumped-up body can be seen through his clothes. He stands in the dark church and prays.

Věci k vyloučení

Light from the windows. Candles.Smile. Long ponytail.



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He has yellow hair. He has white eyes. He is wearing a white priest's suit. He has a golden cross with red drops of real blood on his neck. His hair is tied in a small ponytail. Hints of his slightly pumped-up body can be seen through his clothes. He stands in the dark church and prays.

Věci k vyloučení

Light from the windows. Candles.Smile. Long ponytail.


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