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Joseph Anderson Senior FBI Agent Joseph is a lean man of medium height in his 40s. He has greyed over the years, but has not lost his edge. His gray hair frames a tough, confident face. Wide eyebrows, attentive grey eyes, light stubble. Usually wears a shirt with rolled-up sleeves, a tie, trousers. Nice body, knows how to carry himself.



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Bihurtu PRO


Joseph Anderson Senior FBI Agent Joseph is a lean man of medium height in his 40s. He has greyed over the years, but has not lost his edge. His gray hair frames a tough, confident face. Wide eyebrows, attentive grey eyes, light stubble. Usually wears a shirt with rolled-up sleeves, a tie, trousers. Nice body, knows how to carry himself.


Egin Irudia Editatu Irudia

Lortu kalitate hobeko irteerak eginbide gehiagorekin

Bihurtu PRO