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Bi AI-ê wêneyek çêbikin


The Dragon: Standing behind Toby, slightly off to the side, is the dragon. The dragon is large and majestic, with worn but still impressive scales that shimmer in hues of deep green and gold. The dragon’s eyes are gentle, showing a sense of wisdom and friendship. Smoke curls softly from its nostrils, adding a touch of mystery.



Wêne Çêbikin Wêne Biguherîne

Bi taybetmendiyên zêdetir re derketinên kalîteya çêtir bistînin

Bibin PRO

Wêneyên peywendîdar


The Dragon: Standing behind Toby, slightly off to the side, is the dragon. The dragon is large and majestic, with worn but still impressive scales that shimmer in hues of deep green and gold. The dragon’s eyes are gentle, showing a sense of wisdom and friendship. Smoke curls softly from its nostrils, adding a touch of mystery.


Wêne Çêbikin Wêne Biguherîne

Bi taybetmendiyên zêdetir re derketinên kalîteya çêtir bistînin

Bibin PRO