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Imagine a vibrant, little eagle perched on a drum, its feathers a mix of bright blues, yellows, and reds. With a tiny pair of drumsticks in its claws, it taps out a lively rhythm, filling the air with energy. The background is a clear sky, a brilliant blue that contrasts beautifully with the eagle's colorful plumage. Sunlight sparkles around, making the scene feel joyful and lively!



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Imagine a vibrant, little eagle perched on a drum, its feathers a mix of bright blues, yellows, and reds. With a tiny pair of drumsticks in its claws, it taps out a lively rhythm, filling the air with energy. The background is a clear sky, a brilliant blue that contrasts beautifully with the eagle's colorful plumage. Sunlight sparkles around, making the scene feel joyful and lively!


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